Who is responsible for Bunking?
Bunked the class myself with my classmates.

Bunking a class has almost become a trend and status symbol for students of various educational institutes these days, Bunking class is well thought-out to be a cool mania to do with each student. The delight of scuttle out of class and missing those uninteresting lectures is something we studious students will never obtain flipside, observed during a survey, although it’s very unfortunate when it comes to an academician but students who decide on this activity call it a fun. Some people are of the view that lack of disciplinary actions and penalties to student, on the part apprentice multiplies the grace of class bunking.
I was stunned to see the students outside class while the teacher was inside delivering the lecture and then we complaint that the teachers don’t take the classes and our courses are not finished etc. The real eye-opener was that the students were laughing when asked why are you not taking the class and roaming outside. Thought to ask the students about this certain issue many of the students told why they bunk the class?

“The teachers are extremely biased and sometimes they do favoritism that’s why I bunk “,says Amjad (Department of Zoology)

“The students in KP are fond of smoking and to meet that urge they leave the class”, says Usman (department of English)
“Lack of interest in the subject is the main reason of bunking the class but then there is short they tell us to protest” says, (Member of ISF)
“I bunk my class to roam around with friends” ‘says Laiba (Department of journalism)
“Modern technology should be used by the teachers as it is modern era so that student’s doesn’t loses interest” Anon (Department of political science)
“To spend time with friends as recess is short” says Maria (Department of English)
“The administration sends the forms very early that’s why people don’t take their classes as many of the students are hostilities and they are free so they go back to their villages-even now the strength of class is very low as out 50 five are present and even teachers don’t take classes”, Ali (Islamia College)
“Teachers teach as they are beating us with words –taunting all the time”, says Shanzay (Islamia university)
“Teachers sometimes are very vindictive if they don’t like someone or some student hasn’t submitted their assignments on time they started taking rancor, this is my reason bunking class” , says (Department of Political science)

“It’s our university life we should enjoy through bunking the class with friends”, says Nadia (Islamia university)
“Whenever the teacher asks us to do the presentation we bunk the class”, Basit(Khyber law college)
“Some Teacher’s teaching methodology is not good at all”,says Anon (Department of political Science)
“I bunk my class because the lectures are very boring usually”, says Faiza (Jinnah college for women)
“We are habitual of not taking classes this is because in political Science department we have two classes in a week of 2.5 hour that is extremely yet boring so I will suggest that if the class is of 1 hour daily that will be a very bog favor on us” ,Anon(Department of political Science)
“Important piece work or emergency at home is my reason for bunking”, says Ibad ur rehman (Department of Journalism)
“Language is the problem that the accent of the teacher is not understandable”, Anon (Department of political science)
“Friendly environment should be provided by the teacher so that the student can easily access the teacher” “Modern technology should be used by the teachers as it is modern era so that student’s doesn’t loses interest” Anon (Department of political science)
After the many opinions of the students I took teachers’ views on class bunking.
“A student should never bunk a class otherwise he is very irresponsible”, Ejaz khattak (KhyberMedicalCollege)
“If the students are not taking interest the teacher should talk to them”, Bakht Zaman (Department of Journalism)
“The most important thing as far as learning is concerned the student should be motivated towards the subject they are enrolled to unless they will always shun the books and subject asked to study and classroom environment is concerned the idea of motivation should be brought by the teacher so that the students don’t bunk the class”,Riaz Hussain (English Department Islamia university)

 “Teachers are failed to inspire students these days because when we students we wanted to be like our teachers but now days nobody idealizes the teachers-Method of examination should be transformed as the students don’t need to take classes and with reading books or handouts one can pass the exam” , says Chairman Dr. Faizullah Jan (Department of Journalism)


  1. Sometimes, its better to Bunk a class and enjoy with friends ,because now ,when I look back ,Marks never make me laugh, but memories do.


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